Nether Lochaber


Parish Church

Scottish Charity Number SC006700

Prayer Diary

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September 2010


Kinlochleven & Nether Lochaber Churches


This month’s feature is
Care and Compassion

Wednesday 1st    (Malcolm at Kinlochleven Primary  School)

Lord Jesus, throughout Your ministry you demonstrated care and compassion for many individuals and brought healing and new life to those in need.     May we show the same concern.


Thursday 2nd    

We pray today for the many agencies who seek to bring help in Pakistan to the millions who have lost their homes and face starvation and disease.


Friday 3rd

We pray today for Haiti as it struggles to rebuild the country after the devastating earthquake.   May Christian Aid, Tear Fund and other agencies receive  funding to make an impact.


Saturday 4th   Annual Fete in Nether Lochaber

Through the Fete and other activities, may the local Church engage more effectively with the Community and demonstrate a sense of care and compassion for those ‘outside’ the Church.


Sunday 5th

We give thanks today for the contribution made by Malcolm in his first four months as our Minister.   May he be encouraged and refreshed as together we approach the winter programme.


Monday 6th

Today, we pray for the families and 33 miners who are trapped below ground in Chile.   Enable those involved in the rescue attempt to succeed in the recovery of the men.


Tuesday 7th

This evening, the Lochaber Presbytery meet in Caol Church.   They  face difficult decisions in meeting the needs of the area amidst financial constraints and reductions in man power.   The Rev. James Carmichael is Moderator for the coming year with Ella Gill of Acharacle Church serving as Presbytery Clerk.


Wednesday  8th

We pray for the visits made each week by the local Clergy to our schools.   We pray for the possibility of a Scripture Union group being started in Kinlochleven High School.


Thursday 9th   Church Buildings

Tomorrow afternoon, the Nether Lochaber Board meet to    explore the best use of its buildings and whether to replace the timber hall which fails to meet current standards.


Friday 10th

Kinlochleven Church holds its Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday.   7.8 million people in Niger are at risk of a food crisis and need our prayers at this difficult time.


Saturday 11th   Antony Nolan Trust

A fund raising event takes place in Kinlochleven today for the Trust in its work and research in facilitating bone marrow transplants.


Sunday 12th    Racial Justice Sunday

Lord, give us love and compassion for the many refugees and migrants in countries around the world as they lack stability, security and basic needs.     We pray for agencies who work to bring them sustenance and hope for the future.


Monday 13th

Pray for Christians in prison.   Help them to turn to You for help and comfort;  transform their lives and the lives of others around them.  Pray also for prison staff in their difficult work.


Tuesday 14th

Today, we focus on the Two Lochs Project.      May future  funding be secured to enable Justin Richards to continue to develop the work amongst our teenagers.   We pray for the events in each of the villages and look for additional helpers to support Justin in this strategic work.


Wednesday 15th

We think today of the monthly lunch which Kinlochleven Church provide for older members of the community.   We pray for all those involved in cooking and serving the meal.


Thursday 16th    Antony  Nolan Trust       

We pray today for Rachel Booty and Emily Dixon as they pass through Kinlochleven on their walk from John O’Groats to Lands End to raise funds and awareness for the Trust.


Friday 17th  

Let us pray for all those suffering from cancer and lift up to God all nursing staff, doctors, volunteers and others who dedicate their time and their skills  to them.


Saturday  18th

The Lord takes pleasure in his people.  Psalm 149:4   Lord, help me today to do everything (my work, my daily chores, my challenges) as if I were doing them directly for You.


Sunday  19th

Lord, today we pray for the Bible Study groups which both Churches will run in the Autumn.    May the Bible come alive and be relevant in our daily lives.   Teach us Lord, how to pray.


Monday   20th   Prayer for Young People in Lochaber

This evening in Caol Church at 07.30, Scripture Union host an evening of prayer for the workers, schools and young people in Lochaber.   We pray for bridge building and a way to bring the Christian message and show care and compassion to our young people.


Tuesday  21st 

Lord, we thank you that You specialise in giving us a fresh start.   Help us to surrender ourselves to you completely.  My heart and flesh cry out for the living God. Psalm 84:2


Wednesday  22nd

We remember today our local teenagers who return to  College and University.   We pray for the influence and activities of Christian groups within the Colleges.


Thursday 23rd

Today we pray for those who have left School or University and cannot find employment.   May Churches show care, compassion and support so that young people feel valued.


Friday 24th

Most gracious God, You have called Your church to shine as light in the midst of a dark and needy world.   May it bring help and hope to the poor and powerless, and good news to the lost and lonely.  God is light and there is no darkness at all in him. 1John1:5


Saturday 25th

Pray today for “Inspire” - a Presbytery event to be held 4 weeks today.   There is a lot of planning and preparation for the 9 workshops which will be held to bring encouragement and inspiration to our local Churches.


Sunday 26th   Harvest Thanksgiving in Onich Church

We pray today for the many Countries where the harvest fails to provide sufficient food for the people.   May the world learn to share its resources.


Monday 27th

Today, we pray for Steve Aisthorpe, the Regional Development for the Churches in the Highlands.    Discussions are taking place between Steve and Malcolm in preparation for a consultation and discovery programme with the two Churches later this year.


Saturday 28th

O God, open Your Word to our hearts and our hearts to Your Word;  give us grace to receive it, to understand it and to obey it , for the glory of Christ our Lord.


Tuesday 29th

We continue to pray for the Chaplains who show care and compassion to our troops serving in Afghanistan in demanding and dangerous circumstances.     We pray for families at home who remain anxious.


Wednesday 30th

Lord, we pray that we may live in such a way that we value all that is good in our lives and never take anyone or anything for granted.  Love one another as if your lives depended on it.  1 Peter 1:22


    “Care & Compassion?”